Our Curriculum
Our Curriculum
Autumn 2
Spring 1
Spring 2

Summer 1
Summer 2
Whole School Overview
Autumn 1
‘Empowering Opportunity’ – The core purpose of the school is to positively improve the lives of our pupils and in turn our community by empowering the children at Battle to reach their full potential.
We fulfil the vision of the school by providing a robust, broad and balanced curriculum that ensures that all children develop the confidence and perseverance to become lifelong learners who make a positive contribution to their community and society.
Learning Values:
Intertwined through everything we do are our learning values that equip our children with the skills and learning habits so they become highly successful learners:
Responsibility; Resourcefulness; Relationships; Resilience; Reasoning; Reflection
At Battle Primary Academy, our knowledge rich, child-centred curriculum secures firm foundations in English and Mathematics which underpins growing excellence in all other subjects. The uniqueness of every child is acknowledged and valued. As such, our curriculum recognises and celebrates the diverse backgrounds and experiences from which our children originate.
We offer a curriculum that is broad, balanced, relevant and ambitious. The curriculum at Battle Primary Academy is built on strong pedagogical principles, with every child encouraged to meet and achieve their potential.
Our curriculum ensures that learning is effective, exciting, culturally rich, prepares our pupils for the next stage of education and above all, is relevant to the needs of our children. Empowering opportunity and improving life chances is fundamental to everything we do.
Curriculum intent, implementation and impact:
Our curriculum ensures that pupils know more and can do more, and the knowledge and skills learned are well sequenced and developed incrementally.
- Is ambitious and designed to give pupils (particularly disadvantaged pupils and pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND)), the knowledge they need to take advantage of opportunities, responsibilities and experiences in later life
- It is broad and balanced and never narrowed for any pupil group
- Uses the National Curriculum as a starting point, but goes above and beyond the N.C.
- Is planned and sequenced so that:
- The end points it's working towards are clear
- Pupils develop the knowledge and skills, building on what has been taught before, so they can reach those end points
- Has rigour, so that pupils learn the knowledge that they need to answer subject-specific questions and to gain disciplinary knowledge of how the subject works
- Accounts for delays and gaps in learning as a result of the pandemic
Our teachers:
- Have expert knowledge of the subjects they teach and are expertly supported to address gaps in their knowledge so that pupils are not disadvantaged by ineffective teaching
- Present information clearly, promote appropriate discussion, check pupils’ understanding systematically, and identify misunderstandings and adapt teaching as necessary
- Deliver the curriculum in a way that allows pupils to transfer key knowledge to long-term memory
- Use assessment to check pupils’ understanding to inform teaching, and to help pupils embed key concepts, use knowledge fluently and develop their understanding, and not simply memorise disconnected facts
- Consider the most important knowledge or concepts that pupils need to know and focus on these, and prioritise feedback, retrieval practice and assessment (be that formative or summative)
- Make sure that remote education (if needed) allows all pupils to access lessons and learn, and monitor pupils’ engagement and communicate with parents and colleagues effectively if there are concerns
The outcomes pupils achieve as a result of the education they've received at Battle ensures that they know more and are able to do more than when they started. All pupils, particularly disadvantaged pupils and those with SEND, should:
- Acquire the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life
- Make progress, in that they know more, remember more and are able to do more. They're learning what is intended in the curriculum
- Produce work of high quality
- Achieve well in national tests and examinations, where relevant
- Be prepared for their next stage of education
- Be able to read to an age-appropriate level and fluency